Section Infomation

  • Age: 14 – 18
  • Day: Tuesday
  • Time: 6.30pm – 8.30pm
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We never turn down a good challenge and love to push ourselves to go further in canoeing, abseiling, rock climbing, archery, hiking and personal development.

SIA, OAS and eLearning in our unit

SIA (Special Interest Area) is about using your hobbies and interests to work towards achieving badges from the 6 areas, Adventure & Sport, Arts & Literature, Creating a better world, Environment, Growth & Development and Stem & Innovation.

OAS (Outdoor Adventure Skills) provides members with the opportunity to experience and then pursue activities of interest in the great outdoors. OAS consists on 3 main areas, Core Skills (Bushcraft, Bushwalking and Camping), Land Based Skills (Alpine, Cycling and Vertical) and Water Based Skills (Aquatics, Boating and Paddling).

eLearing gives us access to a level of training that can go towards our ATAR score and also towards certificates II, II, IV in many areas.